Friday, January 26, 2007

The PGA show Orlando

Vern McMillan and I are at the PGA show in Orlando demonstrating the Leaderboard. The Leaderboard was developed by Vern and me initially to train effective and permanent improvements in the Tour pros we work with. Over the last couple of years we have found many uses for recreational and club golfers. There was tremensous interest at the show from the teaching pros here in the USA. They can all see how the Leaderboard can improve their teaching programs and benefit their students. We are at the show for the next two days before we head to Pheonix. I will be catching up and coaching with KJ Choi for the first time this year and Vern will be training Geoff Ogilvy at the tournament.

1 comment:

michael cutts said...

good to see more players take an interest in your coaching styles. Your metal skills have helped me alot as i was a fanatic range killer! keep up the good coaching. from michael cutts